Please Help My Senior Dog Lose Weight

For those of us that have senior dogs, another concern we need to consider is if they are carrying extra weight on their bodies. Not only do we need to help them maintain joint health, we need to make sure they stay at a healthy weight. If they gain weight, it can cause medical conditions and a lower quality of life. So, let’s discuss how to help my senior dog lose weight.


How to Help My Senior Dog Lose WeightWhat Causes Weight Gain in Senior Dogs?

There are a number of causes in weight gain for dogs in general, but I think it is especially important to maintain a healthy weight going into your dog’s senior years. Why? Healthy weight will help them live a longer, more quality life!

Possible causes of weight gain in your senior dog

Consuming More Calories Than Needed: Similar to humans, dog’s metabolisms change as they get older.

Not Exercising Enough: Your fur baby may be spending more time sleeping than running around like when they were puppies. Less exercise, means fewer calories burned.

Pregnancy: If you haven’t spayed your female, it is possible she may pregnant. Even as they age, they will still get an estrus cycle. It may not come as often; however, they can still get pregnant.

Retaining Fluid: This can be due to medical conditions such as tumors or diseases in the dog’s internal organs. It can also occur if your dog has a shunt placed in his/her liver or if they have a congenital heart condition. This will not look like your typical overweight belly…you will definitely want to talk to a vet if you notice this type of enlarged belly.

Bloat: This happens when your dog gobbles his or her food too fast. Your dog will tend not only to gulp their food down, but they also gulp excess air. This will also affect your dog’s heart rate, ability to breathe, and will cause pain in the abdomen. Please take your dog to the vet immediately as this is a life-threatening scenario.

Prescription Drugs: There are some drugs that will cause weight gain in your senior pup as well. Talk with your veterinarian to see if this is one of the reasons your dog is gaining weight.

Medical Reasons

Hypothyroidism: Yes, the dreaded thyroid issues that affect humans as well. Similar to humans, hypothyroidism can slow your dog’s metabolism and make him/her gain weight.

Cushing’s Disease: This disease is caused by an overproduction of glucocorticoid hormones that regulate protein, carbohydrates, and metabolism. There are three types of Cushing’s:

  1. Pituitary Cushing’s; Caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland, too much adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is produced. ACTH stimulates the adrenal gland on how much cortisol is released into the system. According to the VCA, this accounts for 85-90% of all cases.
  2. Adrenal Cushing’s: This condition is caused by a tumor on the adrenal glands to where it produces too much cortisol as well.
  3. Iatrogenic Cushing’s: Iatrogenic Cushing’s is caused by excessive steroid use over a long period. It may have been prescribed for a legitimate medical reason; however, if used for too long, it can create excessive cortisol which will cause weight gain.

Diabetes: “Sugar Diabetes” is the type of diabetes seen in most dogs where your dog’s metabolism has a hard time converting food into energy. It can cause a higher appetite and thirst, which in turn can cause weight gain…but…it can also cause weight loss. If you are concerned, please talk to your veterinarian immediately.

I have heard from many older humans that “getting old is not for the faint of heart (or the weak!)”. It always makes me giggle, but it also makes me think more about what I need to do to ensure my dogs stay healthy into their senior years (and cats), as well as myself.

Talk to Your Veterinarian

Even though there are so many causes that MAY affect your dog’s weight, it is of utmost importance to consult a veterinarian if there are any concerns. Your veterinarian will be able to examine your dog and do diagnostic tests to rule out certain causes; as well as diagnose your senior pup.


Benefits to Helping My Senior Dog Lose Weight

Not only will your dog look great, he or she will feel much better when at a healthy weight. Your dog will also have additional health benefits that come with staying healthy.

1. Increased Energy: As your dog begins to lose weight, you will notice a difference in their energy level. (maybe even a little pep in their step!) Most dogs were bred for certain jobs such as herding, chasing away intruders, hunting, etc. These activities require energy, so when your senior dog loses weight, he or she feels more invigorated and able to do their job (even if it is really only running after a ball at that time!).

2. Lower Risk of Long Term Health Issues: This is an extremely important aspect to helping your senior dog lose weight. If the dog remains at a healthy weight through life, there is a lower risk of long term health issues such as diabetes, intestinal issues, skin conditions, heart disease, and even breathing issues.

3. Lower Risk of Arthritis:If your dog is overweight, the extra pounds put a lot of pressure on his or her joints and bone structure. As a senior, your dog may be prone to arthritis anyway; however, if he or she is overweight, the pain can be worse than if he or she is at a healthy weight.

4. A Possible Longer Lifespan: An overweight dog can see a decrease in lifespan due to the possible medical issues that arise. According to the AKC, dogs who are just 10% overweight have a 1/3 decreased lifespan as well as a higher propensity for heart, kidney, and liver disease.

As we can see, there are definitely benefits to helping our senior pups lose weight. We want them to live a good-long, healthy life with us, right?

Activities to Help My Senior Dog Lose Weight

When your senior dog is overweight, there are a few things you can do to help them lose weight. Here are a few activities that can help.

Increase activity slowly: You are probably able to tell that your overweight, senior dog moves a bit slower than the average dog. In this case, you will want to start slow when getting your dog active. Take short walks at first or limit the time playing fetch. You can also let them swim (if they like water) to help alleviate the pressure on their joints.

Reduce Stress in Their Environment: Sometimes stress can cause a dog to overeat, so it is important to minimize stress in their environment. This may mean reducing noise levels in the home, keeping them calm during fireworks displays or storms, but it may also include monitoring how people and other animals interact with them.

Tools you can also use to help reduce stress as well.
  • Thundershirts: The vest applies constant, gentle pressure to help calm their fears, anxieties, and stress. It’s like a constant gentle hug!
  • Happy Hoodie: This head band goes over your dog’s ears to help with noise reduction. It will also help keep your dog’s ears and head warm.

  • Supplements: There are a number of supplements on the market to help alleviate stress. You will find them in the form of drops, sprays, treats, etc… For dogs who do not like chews, you can put a few drops on their food or water or crush the pills and sprinkle over their food. If your dog loves treats or chews, finding a supplement chew would be a fantastic idea.

Make Them “Work” For Their Food and Treats:Another activity to help your senior dog lose weight is to make them work for their food and treats. I don’t mean they have to go and get a job or anything, but you can make it a mission to get to the food bowl!

One idea is you can move the food bowl around the house so your dog has to find it. If you put the bowl upstairs, your dog will have to walk up the stairs to eat dinner. Make it fun…maybe put the bowl in the kitchen 1 day and then in the bedroom the next. Your dog will figure out where the food is pretty quickly.

Another idea is to use slow feeders or use interactive toys that hold kibble/treats. This will help keep your dog from gulping food, but also gives them something to work for. I use the Kong Stuff a Ball Toy for Chai, and she is entertained for hours.

Talk to Your Veterinarian

These are just a few options to help get your fur baby more active and to be able to drop some of that extra weight. Of course, it is important to speak with your veterinarian regarding any types of supplements or training ideas. They will be able to give you insight on what may be best for your dog.

Food to Help My Senior Dog Lose Weight 

Lastly, (but not least!) the quality and quantity of food your dog eats plays a major role in their weight loss. It is important to find food that will help your dog lose weight, but not at expense of overall nutrition.


If you live in the United States, you know that even though correct portion sizes remain the same for humans, many of our restaurants serve larger portions and then we tend to increase what is on our plates at home. Now that is a little different for everyone (like extreme athletes, kids, etc…), but as we age, the harder it is to work off that big bowl of pasta.

Consider our senior dogs…the quantity of food is going to rely on breed, size, age, medical condition and activity level. According to the AKC, you can calculate how many calories your dog needs by using the Resting Energy Requirement (RER) formula.

RER Formula
  1. Take your dog’s weight in Kg, multiply by 30, and add 70 or Take your dog’s weight in lbs and divide by 2.2 and then multiply by 30, and add 70.
  2. Factor in their Metabolic Energy Requirement (MER) based on health and if they were spayed or neutered.
    1. Weight loss – 1 x RER
    2. Neutered/Spayed – 1.6 x RER
    3. Intact Adult – 1.8 x RER

3. Talk to your veterinarian to have them calculate the RER and to see how your dog can lose weight safely.


The quality of your dog’s food is a very important factor in helping them lose weight. A lot of processed dog foods will contain carb fillers and not enough of the proteins and nutrients needed. Like in humans, proteins and vegetables help keep your dog full for longer.

I won’t recommend any specific food here because I feel it is a conversation you need to have with your veterinarian. There are so many foods on the market, it can be overwhelming, so talking with your doggy doctor is best. The only thing I can recommend is to choose a quality food where the ingredients are easy to read and understand. This will mean higher proteins and veggies, and lower carbs and fat.


Don’t forget treats either! Monitor the amount and types of treats you give your dog. If you are feeding your baby a healthy meal, but give him or her processed treats, you may not be progressing in the weight loss journey. Instead of feeding your dog processed treats, you can change it up and give them fresh fruits and veggies such as cucumbers, carrots, celery, blueberries, bananas, or apples.


Phew! That was a lot of information to get through, but I know it is important for yours and my dog’s health! Let’s consider all the options to help our senior dogs lose weight and live a long, healthy life.

There are so many food brands and supplement options that I highly recommend talking to your vet before choosing a specific brand.

Let me know if you found anything that worked for your senior dog. Are there any products or activities you found helpful?

Joint Supplements Beneficial for Senior Dogs with Arthritis?

My fur baby, Beckham, is beginning to show signs of his senior age (at 10 years old). It is a little harder for him to get up from laying down, as well as getting up onto the bed or the couch. This made me think…are joint supplements beneficial for senior dogs? Are they good for arthritis?

In talking with Beckham’s veterinarian, she says, yes! Joint supplements are beneficial for senior dogs; however there are some things to look for.

Let’s discuss how you can tell if your senior dog has arthritis. What types of joint supplements are available, and what is the best supplement for your dog.

Of course, before you make any decisions, please consult with your veterinarian!

Are Joint Supplements Beneficial for Senior Dogs with Arthritis?

How to Tell if Your Senior Dog has Arthritis

Arthritis is common among senior dogs as well as large breed dogs. Like in humans, their joints can deteriorate and cause pain and mobility issues.

What is Arthritis?

The full name this disease is known by is Osteoarthritis (OA) or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). This is an inflammation or degeneration of the joints to where dogs experience pain and inflammation of the joints that interfere with daily activities.

Basically, in healthy dogs, the cartilage acts as a cushion in the joint to allow fluid movement. In OA or DJD, the cartilage is broken down where the joint becomes inflamed, painful, and your dog can lose mobility.`

A veterinarian will diagnose the disease by performing a physical examination and possible over diagnostics such as X-Rays/other imaging. If you are suspicious about arthritis in your dog, please contact your veterinarian to properly diagnose the condition.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

There is no single cause of arthritis; however, there are many determining factors that can be the reason for your dog’s joint pain. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Age
  • Weight – if your dog is overweight, he or she may be prone to arthritis.
  • Body Condition – how is your dog built?
  • Activity level – is your dog active or more sedentary?
  • Repetitive stress – dogs who compete in agility, flyball, etc can be affected
  • Nutrition – do you feed your dog a nutritious diet?
  • Orthopedic Surgery – Has your dog had surgery?
  • Breed – Is your dog a larger breed? Is his/her breed predispositioned to arthritis?
  • Infection – For example – Lyme disease can affect the joints.
Signs to Look For

You know your dog best. Any time they move wrong, cough, or even sneeze, you will be on alert, right? Well, let’s break down a few signs to look for that may be concerning:

It will be difficult to detect signs early on; however, you will possibly see the following in moderate to severe cases:

  • Difficulty getting up from laying down
  • Stiffness in the joints
  • Lethargy (lack of energy)
  • Reluctance to do normal activities such as run or jump
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Hard time squatting to urinate
  • Irritability
  • Crankiness when being petted or touched.

I started noticing Beckham was getting a little more cranky when my youngest son and our puppy, Chai, start to run around the house. When they run by him, he doesn’t get up to play, so he plays the role of  “fun police” and barks at them going by.

Beckham also does the old man stance when getting up from laying down or when getting up on the couch. I can tell he is experiencing some stiffness in his back hips and legs. It now takes a little longer for him to do these things, so I decided to talk to his veterinarian regarding joint supplements.

Treatment Options

There are different options you can use; however there is no cure for arthritis. Again…talk to your veterinarian regarding the best options for your dog.

  1. Diet: It is important that your senior dog is on a proper diet. This will help keep your dog at an ideal weight to help alleviate the pressure off of his or her joints.
  2. Pain Medications: There are a few options to help alleviate pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are first in line to help.
    1. A couple options your veterinarian may prescribe are: Carprofen, Deracoxib, Grabiprant, etc.
    2. On rare occasion, your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroid such as Gabapentin.
  3. Chiropractic / Physical Therapy / Acupuncture: In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend physical therapy to help alleviate pain and increase mobility.
  4. Surgery: Depending on your dog’s arthritis prognosis, the veterinarian may suggest surgery to help with the pain. Surgeries such as total hip replacement or knee replacements may be in line…or even fusion surgeries.
  5. Supplements: Veterinarians may also recommend joint supplements as they have been known to be a safe, long term treatment for arthritis. These supplements are: Glucosomine, Chondritin, and Green Lipped Mussel (GLM).

So…why supplements? How do they actually help alleviate pain and inflammation due to Osteoarthritis?

What Do Joint Supplements Do to Help Arthritis?

Joint supplements can help reduce the pain and inflammation in your dog’s joints; however, they will not cure the condition. They will help treat symptoms and create an overall better quality of life.

To Consider Before You Buy:

Here are a few points to consider when looking into purchasing joint supplements:

First, they will not work immediately…it takes a little time for the supplement to build up in your dog’s system and can take up to a couple months to see improvement.

Second, they will not work if your dog is obese. The weight on your dog can put a lot of pressure on his or her joints that even with supplements, can be painful. Consider using supplements when your dog is at a healthy weight.

In the last section, I talked about what types of supplements that are beneficial, but let’s take a closer look at Glucosamine, Chondritin, and Green Lipped Mussel. How do they help alleviate the symptoms from OA?


According to the AKC website, Glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound (made of sugar and amino acids) that can be used to alleviate pain and stiffness. It is made in your dog’s cartilage, but it is also helps rebuild cartilage.

Glucosamine is safe to use long term. It is extracted from crabs, lobster or shrimp shells and will come in 3 types.


Chondritin Sulfate is also a naturally occurring compound that works to stimulate cartilage repair and is used in conjunction with Glucosamine. It can be found in food sources such as fish, bird cartilage, pig trachea and even squid cartilage.

A chondritin sulfate supplement can help hydrate your dog’s cartilage and help keep it from breaking down further. It reduces pain, inflammation, and can help improve mobility.

Green Lipped Mussel

GLM is an extract that comes from New Zealand’s native green lipped mussels, and includes the omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins/minerals. It is used to help protect your dog’s joints and decrease inflammation (and works for humans, too!).

Best Joint Supplements For Your Dog

In my conversation with Beckham’s veterinarian regarding the best joint supplements on the market, she gave me a few pointers. She told me there are only a couple supplements she approves as a lot of products don’t include the quality ingredients needed to actually work. It’s also the fact that certain websites/stores will basically sell anything.

Here are the supplements Dr V approves:


Dasuquin is created to help support normal joint function and stimulate cartilage regeneration. In turn, this will help reduce inflammation and pain for your dog.

Active ingredients:

  • Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables: Helps prevent cartilage breakdown
  • Boswellia Serrata Extract: Provides additional joint support
  • Methylsulfonylmethane: Helps support joint health
  • Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract: Helps reduce inflammation

Dasuquin can be found through and and can be purchased without a prescription.

Dasuquin Advanced (RX)

Dasuquin Advanced is the prescription strength version of Dasuquin. You may be able to get this through, but will need a script from your vet. I didn’t see an option online; however, your vet will be able to get it for you.

Active Ingredients:

  • Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables: Helps prevent cartilage breakdown
  • Boswellia Serrata Extract: Provides additional joint support
  • Methylsulfonylmethane: Helps support joint health
  • Turmeric: Provides additional joint suport
  • Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract: Helps reduce inflammation
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Provides anti-oxidant support
  • Manganese: Provide support of the cartilage matrix production
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Supports overall joint health

Parent Company, Nutramax not only manufactures Dasuquin, but they also developed Cosequin. The largest difference is that Cosequin does not include Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables.

Active Ingredients:

  • Methylsulfonylmethane: Helps support joint health
  • FCHG49® Glucosamine Hydrochloride: Helps support cartilage and connective tissue
  • TRH122® Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate: Helps support cartilage and connective tissue

Cosequin can be found through and as well. There are different options available based on your dog’s needs. I am looking at the ones specific to senior dogs and that include MSM and Boswellia.


I think this is a great blog to share especially considering Beckham is getting older (aren’t we all?!) and needs some supplements for his aching bones.

The cool thing about these supplements is they can be used long term and can be found online at reputable websites. They are fairly inexpensive, but they will be beneficial to our dogs so they can live a more healthy/quality life.

I challenge you to check them out! Check out Cosequin and Dasuquin and let me know which one you prefer!

Sources Used:

Pet Insurance Review – Odie Pet Insurance

I apologize this blog has taken so long to write! I had surgery in May, but then had complications, so it has been a bumpy road getting back to writing this pet insurance review.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about pet insurance and if it was worth the cost. Today, I am going to provide a pet insurance review – Odie Pet Insurance… who is really worth looking into.

Odie Pet Insurance

Price: As low as $6.00 for cats; $9.00 for dogs



Odie is a newer pet insurance company that was created for the owner’s two dogs, Luke and Summer. Struggling to understand all the options and plan benefits plus the premium costs (which were unpredictable!), Luke and Summer’s parents decided they were going to make buying pet insurance much easier.

Their belief is everyone has access to affordable veterinarian care, and pet owners shouldn’t have to choose between their pets and their bank account. The company also believes that preventative care and education will ultimately help keep pets healthy and finances intact.

Pet Insurance Review – Odie Plan Options  

The Illness and Injury Plan

This plan covers a number of options if your dog or cat comes down with an illness or injury. Plans average around $25 a month for cats and $45 a month for dogs (based on a 3-year old mixed breed pet).

Plan Details: The Illness and Injury plan gives you deductible options of a $50 – $1,000 (in $50 increments) as well as reimbursement options of 70%, 80%, or 90%. Annual payout options are as follows: $5,000, $10,000, or $40,000.

Whats covered:

Pet Insurance Review - Odie Pet Insurance

What’s NOT Covered:

  • Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Training/Obedience Classes
  • Breeding, Pregnancy, or Birth Expenses
  • Prescription Food
  • Boarding
  • Cosmetic or Elective Procedures
  • Biohazard Fees
  • Preventative Care

Optional Add-Ons:

You have the ability to add on a couple options for an additional fee These options are:

  • Office Visits and Exam Fees: Fees in addition to the diagnostic tests or treatments
  • Take Home Prescription Medications: Odie covers up to 950 different prescriptions
  • Rehabilitation, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic Care: This option covers ongoing physical therapy to help mobility.
The Accident Only Plan

This plan will cover the cost of an emergency based on if your pet has a mishap/accident only up to $10,000 each year. Cost for this plan start at $6.00 for cats and $9.00 for dogs.

Plan Details: Accident only pays up to $10,000 each year. Your annual deductible (out-of-pocket) is $250 and Odie will reimburse you up to 90% of the veterinarian bills.

What’s Covered:

  • Injuries: Broken bones, sprains, damage to eyes, traumatic dental fractures
  • Wounds: lacerations, bite wounds, snake bites, and bee stings
  • Veterinarian Treatment: X-Rays, ultrasounds, lab tests, emergency care, hospitalization, CTs, MRIs, and surgery.

What’s NOT Covered:

  • Illnesses, diseases, and specific conditions: Breed-specific health issues, congenital diseases, chronic conditions, dental illness.
  • Specific Injuries: Preexisting injuries, cruciate ligament events, intentional acts or behavioral condition caused injuries.
  • Preventative Care: Routine / wellness visits, spay/neuter, vaccines, micro chipping, or teeth cleaning.

The Wellness Add-On:

Plan Details: This option can be added onto the Illness and Injury or the Accident Only plan for an additional premium. It is not an insurance plan, but an option that can help with the preventative care costs such as micro chipping, vaccinations, and flea/tick medications. There are no waiting periods, no annual deductible or co-insurance, and it covers pet’s with preexisting conditions.

Add-On Plan Options:

Additional Information


According to Odie, their offerings are superior to those of other pet insurance companies. In reviewing the options, it looks like Odie may have an upper hand on the overall cost; however, it will be based on the plan and options chosen as well as the age, breed, and overall health of your cat or dog.

Take a look at the comparison chart on Odie’s website:

Pet Insurance Review

Waiting Periods and Exclusions

When looking at pet insurance options, it is important to also consider waiting periods and exclusions. Odie has the following per their sample policy:

Waiting Periods

  • 14 days following the Policy Effective Date for any Illnesses and any related conditions.
  • 3 days following the Policy Effective Date for any Injuries and any related conditions.
  • 6 months following the Policy Effective Date for any Cruciate Ligament Events and any related conditions.


  • Pre-Existing Conditions:
    • Chronic Conditions.
    • Bilateral Conditions, if your Pet had at any time any Pre-Existing Conditions
    • Intervertebral disc Conditions, if your Pet had at any time any Pre-Existing Conditions involving the intervertebral discs (due to either degeneration or trauma).
  • Preventative Care:
    • Wellness exams; parasite control, etc.
    • Elective and cosmetic procedures,
    • Spaying or neutering
    • Claims for Pets found to be healthy and presenting with no clinical symptoms
More Exclusions?
  • Other Exclusions (Costs, Fees, or Expenses) related to:
    • Treatments, therapies, and services described under the Supplemental Benefits coverage, if this coverage is not purchased at enrollment;
    • Any prescription or over-the-counter medications that are not included in their covered medication list;
    • Administrative charges for the processing of insurance claims and/or sending medical records;
    • Injuries due to any organized dog fighting, that involves you or a member of your household;
    • Breeding and pregnancy;
    • Boarding and transport expenses, including ambulance transportation;
    • Complications of or diagnostic tests, treatments, therapies, and/ or medications related to Conditions not covered.
    • Anal gland expression;
    • Typical bedding, housing, crates, cages, ramps, feeding accessories, etc
    • Biohazardous waste fees
    • Any Condition resulting from  training for or participating in racing, including track or sled racing;
    • Alternative and Holistic Treatments;
    • Experimental therapies and medications
    • Conditions arising from a repetitive and specific activity that leads to decontamination (e.g., the induction of vomiting), medical, or surgical treatment of your Pet.
    • Training and treatment of Behavioral Conditions
    • Cremation and burial;


Ok, I know that was a TON of information on Odie’s pet insurance options…especially when it pertains to the waiting period and exclusions, but I think it is important to give you the full picture of what to consider when purchasing a product.

Overall, I think Odie has a good policy. The company is fairly new to the insurance world, so there are not a ton of reviews out there; however, for the price and types of coverage, Odie has a decent offering.

There is only one thing left for you to do and that is…get a quote to see if Odie is right for you and your family!